Tuesday, May 15, 2007

AWOL – 14th May 2007

I can’t believe the last time I blog was 3 weeks ago. What had happened since then… I can’t remember much to be honest. With work dominating my life it is tough to sit down and write about it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t do 24/7 but I really find the amount of hours I do a bit over the top so when it comes to weekend, some ‘Homer’ like lying around time is much appreciated.

Let me step back in time… (actually have to read my last entry to know what I was doing) Ah… Yes. It was the week before Susanna and I met up. I remember that particular Saturday morning I drove all the way to Belsize Park. On one hand I was quite excited that I have new friend. On another hand, the roads in London is so awful that I was all stressed out with all the one ways, speed bumps and to top everything my SAT NAV doesn’t get proper signal once I am in London.

After a few phone calls, she finally found my car. She sat down, we said hi and then straight to IKEA. She is a very nice person, we talked about quite a few things and the drive to IKEA was quite a joy. After we got there, the usual ‘buy this and that’ started flying around. I convinced her to buy a few pieces of kitchenware and she helped me find my good office chair. When the dust settled, we grabbed an ice cream before heading to BenniHana for a quick Tappanyaki.

We got there about 2:45, and the lunch hour ends at 3pm. I asked the lady at the door whether we can still have lunch, she gave us the nod and we sat down for the meal. It was a very guilty meal because we made everyone stayed for us…

After the meal, we went for a walk in Brent Cross and she showed me what a girl normally do in a shopping mall. She was very restrained and didn’t buy anything but I know she was itching to shop.

Overall, it was nice to spend a day with someone else’s girlfriend. We chatted, walked around and at the end, I know I am not the one who has to provide the attention and have to deal with all the little things in a relationship. Of course, you get what you give and intimacy is certainly not on this menu but it was a nice day out for us.

Since then we chat from time to time and went to watch a film last weekend, as friends of course. I, as a typical guy, want to watch Spiderman 3. But she dragged me to watch Bean on holiday and it was a little bit better than I expected. After the film we went to Oriental City and then Ice Cream at Brent Cross again.

Work still sucks, too much to do and so little time to do them in. The worse thing is I have been asked to do a zillion things by different project managers. I will look for a change when I get to my 2 years anniversary at this company.


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