Monday, July 17, 2006

Blog Blog Blog

Many people add new materials to their blogpage on a regular basis. To share interesting incidents in their everyday life. As for myself, I write when I feel like it. Partly because my life is so boring that it doesn't deserve a mention; maybe I became so numb that nothing strikes me anymore; or simply because I had been suffering from the 'I can't be bothered excuse syndrome'.

Never underestimate such illness, it affects "10 out 10 people". Is it because our minds are so powerful that repetitive routines are starving our minds from creativities? Why is it so easy to leave our desk and 'go for a coffee', or 'I need to loo' but not so easy to stop when we are shopping, playing computer games, or reading Harry Potter? I begin to wonder whether it is necessary to know the end is about to come before we get our backside off the chair and do something.

An interesting discussion arised last week- Why did Bush support Israel?

My comment was :
If he doesn't support Israel, he got no excuses to support his supposibly war on terror (only on terror, NOT oil, but it did make the war/invasion more attractive). If Israel doesn't bomb and killing innocent people along the way, how can the mightly USA justify their cause? Just imagine this, without Israel siding with the USA, Bush will be fighting the whole of Mid East, he will lose his foot hold in the region. Iraq is nowhere near ready to be a US state and it will be 'out of control' because the mightly US can put a naval base there.

Can there be peace? Yes, certainly. When the day the superpowers stop supporting their arms division to sell weapons to war zones would help for sure.

Why do we need weapons?? Because they have weapons.
Who created weapons in the first place?? We did.
So why can we have weapons but they can't? Because we are well educated and we will use it only if needed to. (NOT for OIL, of course)
What is weapons of mass destruction? Human beings would rank number 2 on this, with the number 1 spot occuried by Bush and Blair since time begun.